Saturday 28 May 2016

Ways to Stay Safe When Shopping Online

Heya Peeps!
How many of you are into electronic retail shopping? I'm sure almost all of you. Me too, love Online Shopping because I cannot find such pretty stuff at local shops sometimes, and of course I drool over the latest international cosmetic stock as those brands are not available in our country, so I always end up by placing an order.

Image Source: Google

Although I enjoy e-shopping, but before purchasing, being a sensible buyer, I always consider some precautions, since I cannot trust every seller blindly over the Internet. Let me share some safe and sound technical tips with you guys to be aware and Stay Safe Online.

- Observe Carefully
Never get fooled by the attractive promotions, advertisements, or deals the merchandise offers. Do not get excited over the discounted prices too, because its a trap. Use your aesthetic sense, or keep in mind the features you are looking for in your required entity.

- Shop Directly From Brands

If you can purchase directly from the renowned brand's site, then it is the best option you can opt for. In this case, you need not to worry about the genuinity and quality of the product. Plus, they ensure their customers to refund the amount in case of package got lost.

- Interact With Retailer
Look out for the identity and contact details of the seller. Ask as many questions regarding your desired products and services they offer. Also, never forget to ask sales person name, their business cards, and the location of the seller's company, official website, or social media selling account details.

- Previous Record
Always read the reviews and ratings from the other buyers thoroughly. So you can have an idea whether the seller is reliable or not, and the quality of their products is worth buying or not. You will have an idea too about they have original, fake or replica stuff to vend.

- Don't Use Cellular Devices
Never ever place an order through your smart phones. Because your cell phones connect to the shopping site's server via MANETs (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks), which means it does not have any anti-virus installed on a wireless network, so your sensitive information is much more vulnerable to threats and attacks by the illegitimate network users.

- Secure Browsing
Always place your order through your desktop (PC or Laptop) with some proficient malware detection software application installed on it, to ensure you the safe and secure browsing. It sends you an alert notification when some suspicious link is detected in your email or while surfing. Ensure https (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) instead of http, and a padlock icon in the url (Universal Resource Locater) bar of your browser for a secure communication.

- Public Devices
Do not shop while accessing a public WiFi hotspot or desktop. The cyberpunk can spoof and pretence by accessing your confidential information from the cache memory.

- Password Protection
Never set the same passwords as your emails have while signing up for an e-shop. Get yourself registered with the business websites with different but strong passwords. Please never click on the check box that asks you to save the password for the shopping site.

- Billing And Tracking
Always request the trader to email you the billing charges receipt in a document file (Word or pdf). Never forget to ask the retailer or company that do they offer COD (Cash On Delivery) service, if they do, then go for it. It is the safest way to pay the charges at your own door step. Else, ask them to provide you the details of the courier service and tracking number, so you can trace your parcel yourself. Also, ask about return and refund policies, in case of a damaged package.

Hope you people find these Safe Online Shopping Tips useful and informative. Please keep them in your mind while placing an online order next time.


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