Saturday 29 October 2016

Liebster Award

Hey Sweeties!

I have been nominated for Liebster Award by a fellow blogger Ayesha of Beauty By Ayesha. She has wonderful makeup skills. Follow her on her blog and other social platforms. Thank you Ayesha for nominating me.

For those of you who don't know, Liebster Award is a Virtual Award, given to bloggers by bloggers to encourage and support each other, and the readers can discover more new blogs.

This Award post has following Rules:

- Thank the blogger who nominated you, and link them back.
- Answer all the 11 Questions.
- Nominate other 5-11 Bloggers.
- Tell them they've been nominated.
- Give them their own set of 11 Questions to be answered.
- Show of this award on your blog using an image widget.

So let's see what this Award post is all about...!

1. Why did you start blogging?
- One of the major reason is I didn't an appropriate job, and my friends unfold me that I have good content writing skills, as I'm much expressive through writings. So then decidedly, I took this big step, and now I'm rejoicing choosing this medium as it has become my passion.

2. If you were stuck on a desert island and could only have 3 items what would they be?
- Water, Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, and a Bestie who would happily bear all this with me.

3. Describe yourself in 3 Words.
- I'm a complicated, sincere, and a friendly person.

4. Who Inspires You?
- Hard working, Self made, and Selfless people are my ever inspiration.

5. Name a product you heard was good, but didn’t like?
- Ah! they are many. But Saeed & Ghani's scrub it was. It reacted me so bad, as I have a very sensitive skin, but I guess it was harsh or expired.

6. Share your makeup Horror Story.
- When a concealer stick made my face cakey at a wedding. But now I think, every story was horrible prior getting into makeup. I really wanna take some pro classes now!

7. Favorite Quote?
- "Religion is not a method, but a whole life".

8. If you could be anyone in the world, who would it be?
- Jinnah, The great. May be!

9. Why do you Blog?
- Blogging has actually proved a cheerful turning point of my life. I'm enjoying every bit of time I spent on blogging. I just blog for my own contentment and jollity.

10. What is your favorite ever lipstick shade?
I was obsessed with a brown lipstick shade I bought from UK, I could not find such a shade then again. But Wet and Wild 'Mochalicious' is somehow now my daily wear favorite shade.

11. What is the most recent book you read?
I love reading, but it's been a long time that I have not read any book. I think the last one was Ishq Ka Sheen, It has 7 volumes I guess, and I still have to read the last 2, 3 volumes of it.

Further Nominations
I would love to read the replies for the same questions from the following fellows:

- Jaycie Sullivan of The Soaring Swine
- Zehra Qureshi of Beautorgeous World
- Khadija Kiran of Creative Khadija
- Uswa Jiwani of Blog Ella By UJ

Lemme know in comment section how you relate yourself to these questions...!!

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